Conduct a Water Analysis in Ocala FL to Determine if a Water Softener is Right for Your Home

by | Jan 12, 2016 | Water Proofing

It is estimated that the drinking water for more than 15 million homes in the United States is supplied through private wells which use ground water. Private ground water wells are at risk to contamination from sources such as landfill seepage, faulty septic tanks, and fertilizer and pesticide runoff. Consumption of contaminated well water could cause sickness and it is the homeowner’s responsibility for testing and treating private well water.

A Water Analysis in Ocala FL of ground water tests for water quality indicators or WQIs and contaminants that may be present. If the total coliform bacteria level is high it is possible that viruses, germs, bacteria, and even parasites might be present, including the presence of E. coli. The pH level will be noted along with nitrate level and total dissolved solids.

Water hardness is dependent upon the amount of dissolved magnesium and calcium present in the water, both of which leach from rocks in the ground. A water’s hardness is measured in grains per gallon of water. A water analysis in Ocala FL will confirm the hardness of water.

Hard water presents all sorts of problems within a household. General cleaning chores using hard water is less effective as cleaning agents will not fully remove dirt. After a period, clothes washed in hard water appear dull and dingy, especially whites, which will eventually take on a gray tint. Glassware and dishes washed with hard water may contain spots once dry. In the bathroom, shower doors, walls, and bathtub develop a film. Even hair washed regularly in hard water may appear dull and lackluster, if not sticky.

Appliances using hard water are affected as well. Minerals like magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate, are removed from the water when heated and develop scale buildup inside the hot water heater. A large accumulation of scale inhibits the heating process requiring more energy to heat the water. The result is a reduced lifespan for the water heater. Deposits of scale will corrode and block plumbing fixtures as well.

Although having hard water is not a health risk, many homeowners prefer softer water to avoid the aforementioned problems. The best solution to hard water problems is Water Softeners. The advantages of installing a water softener system include longer appliance life, reduced use of household cleaning supplies such as laundry soap, as well as personal hygiene products like shampoo and bar soap. Find more information.

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