Considering the Benefits of Spinal Decompression in Lexington, KY

by | Mar 11, 2016 | Healthcare

There is a lot of talk about Spinal Decompression in Lexington KY, and how it can help people with certain types of physical ailments. In fact, it is not unusual for this type of non-invasive treatment to be part of the ongoing strategy for eliminating a number of aches and paints. Here are some of the benefits that can come with undergoing those treatments under the care of a medical professional.

Ease Back Pain

Anyone who has lived with consistent pain in the lower back knows there is no such thing as a comfortable position. Whether standing or sitting, the ache is ongoing and distracting. One of the things that Spinal Decompression in Lexington KY, accomplishes is to alleviate some of the stress on the vertebrae in the lower back and along the rest of the spine. Some people experience a significant amount of relief by the end of the first session.

Getting Rid of Neck Pain

Those decompression treatments will also help to relax the vertebrae closer to the neck and release a great deal of tension. For people who find that the neck is so stiff that turning to one side causes waves of pain, it will only take a few treatments to provide a great deal of relief. Continuing the treatments from time to time will ensure that the vertebrae do not compress more than is typical and help to reduce the potential for inflammation to the surrounding tissue.

Dealing with Tingling and Numbness

At times, compressed vertebrae do not lead to severe pain. Instead, there is a sense of numbness that runs from the base of the neck all the way down the back of the legs. The numbness may be interrupted occasionally by tingling sensations that feel somewhat like pin pricks. After undergoing a few treatments, the patient will notice that the numbness subsides along with the tingling.

For people who think that decompression may be the answer for them, visit  and schedule an appointment. After a review of the patient’s medical history and an examination, it will be possible to determine if spinal decompression will ease the discomfort and allow the patient to feel better.

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