When to Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Minneapolis

by | Feb 12, 2015 | Lawyers

If you have been recently injured, you may be wondering if you should hire a lawyer to help with your case. In many instances a lawyer will be a necessity, and the sooner they can begin gathering information, the stronger their case will be. There are some very simple ways to know when you need to call.

You should contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Minneapolis immediately following any boat, motorcycle or automobile accident. This is because automobile insurance companies are notorious for undercutting claims and delaying payouts. A lawyer on your side will not only be able to get you a larger settlement, but usually speed up the process to get it to you faster as well.

If you are injured at work, have all of the paperwork and doctor’s note proving your case but have been denied by worker’s compensation, contact an attorney. Likewise, get assistance if your employer is not providing you with any answers about your claim. You have the right to the protection the law allows under worker’s compensation. Do not let yourself be intimidated into paying your medical bills yourself when you have a genuine claim.

Other times to call a Personal Injury Lawyer in Minneapolis are basically any time you find yourself with pain, medical bills or an injury that is making it difficult for you to live your normal day to day life. Especially if the person or business responsible for your injury are ignoring you, refusing to be responsible for compensating you are delaying the case in any manner.

These incidents can include any of the following:

* Injuries from the use of a product, toy or tool

* Reaction to a medication that was supposed to be safe

* Dog bite

* Slip and fall accident

* Injury to self or loved one while in a hospital or nursing home setting

* Food poisoning from packaged product or while dining at a restaurant

* Injury at home or elsewhere from construction work that has been poorly completed

* Car accident caused by incorrect mechanical repairs

* Any motor vehicle accident caused by someone else

If you find yourself a victim of one of these incidents or something else entirely, check out . There is help available and they want to meet with you as soon as possible. Contact them today.

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