Why It Makes Sense To Secure Counsel From A Bicycle Accident Lawyer

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Personal Injury

In many areas of the country, people are using their bikes more than ever. Along with being an excellent way to exercise, the bikes can be used to get to and from work and to run errands closer to home. As more people use their bikes for these functions, the potential for an accident to take place increases. This is where seeking help from a Bicycle Accident Lawyer comes into the picture.

Assessing the Specifics

When a cyclist is involved in some type of traffic accident, the Bicycle Accident Lawyer is in a position to evaluate the events leading up to the accident and determine if the cyclist did anything to contribute to the accident. As part of the process, the lawyer will take into consideration the current traffic laws that apply to the use of bicycles on streets and other types of thoroughfares. Assuming the client was operating the bike properly and following all the traffic laws, this will serve as the basis for seeking damages from the responsible party.

Dealing With the Insurance Company

The insurance provider for the responsible party will seek to utilize anything that will shift part of the responsibility to the injured party. This includes asking leading questions that could result in answers that justify reducing the claim amount. The best move is for the cyclist to direct all communications to the legal counsel. The lawyer will know how to handle all queries and ensure that only the facts of the case are discussed.

Seeking a Settlement

The lawyer will represent the client during all settlement proceedings. With the help of legal counsel, it is possible to identify all expenses incurred as the result of the accident, up to and including lost wages due to injuries. If there is some medical evidence that the client will need physical therapy or other treatment for an extended amount of time, that will also be taken into consideration.

For any cyclist who has been injured in an accident, contact Edwards & Bullard Law today. After meeting with a lawyer and going over the specifics of the accident, it will be possible to map out a plan of action and seek a reasonable settlement. You can also watch video on YouTube chanel for more information.

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