Will You Agree to Adulterous Affairs Before You Marry?

by | Oct 26, 2016 | Health

Before the laws of attraction carry a couple together, they both bring different thoughts about their sexual life and how it will evolve, now and into the future. You may arrive from different cultures, religions and with different moral standards. It is here that couples sex therapy will help you to discuss and communicate the differences so that you can agree a plan for how you will deal with these matters in the future.

Is an Affair an Option?

While it is acceptable to be outraged at the thought that your partner may wish to have sexual relations with other people before and after you are married, there are many circumstances where this exists as the standard and helps some couples to remain married.

Of the many very difficult discussions, this option may never arrive before you marry and you may go through most your life having never approached the subject. Even evoking the conversation may cause conflict and disagreement with your partner.

Nevertheless, should this be important to you, you may wish to discuss, through couples sex therapy, whether this is an item for discussion and open to negotiation or should be completely removed from the agenda.

Dare You Open the Discussion?

Should you be attracted to a colleague at work, is your bond with your partner strong enough that you can mention the subject, even when you have no plans to take matters further. Couples sex therapy may help you understand your moral and personal thoughts about the subject.

When you consider the statistics, although they are all a matter of opinion, a high number of individuals choose to have an affair when they are married and many couples will go on to divorce at a later stage, whether a result of the affair, or not.

Are you going to object or allow your partner to have extremely private and personal conversations with another individual, possibly of the opposite sex, to discuss everything that is happening in your own relationship? Will this create a bond within your relationship knowing there is confidence to carry on these discussions or will it create a rift that only couples sex therapy may be able to heal?

You may know well in advance if you are likely to be a person that will consider having an affair before or after you have married. Is it fair or unfair of you to keep this salient information private or should you share it with the person you are expecting to spend the rest of your life with?

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