Three Tips for Pet Grooming in Everett

by | Nov 28, 2016 | Animals

Grooming a pet is a necessary chore that needs to be done regularly. Failure to do so could result in an unhealthy animal needing medical attention for ailments that could have been prevented. Pet Grooming in Everett will be accomplished easier when owners follow a few tips for doing so, which then keeps their pets as healthy as possible.

Have the Right Tools

Using the right tools for the job will help ensure the process goes smoothly. This includes a brush, pet clippers, nail clippers, and scissors. It is best to start by brushing the animal’s fur, eliminating any matted areas. This makes it easier for the clippers to get through and actually cut the hair as intended. Leaving the fur uncombed could result in the clippers tugging at the hair and skin, making the experience extremely uncomfortable for the animal.

Go Slow

Trying to get the job done too quickly may be stressful for a pet. The trick is to go slow and take time doing it. The owner having patience with the pet will make the environment more comfortable for the animal, which will help them relax and be more willing to let the grooming commence.

Start Early

The best tip to know is that it is best to start grooming early. This means when the dog is a puppy, they should begin getting used to the process of getting washed and brushed at the very least. Having them start at a young age prepares them for when they are older and require more regular grooming requirements. They will be well trained and better able to sit still during the process.

Pet Grooming in Everett is easier when owners fully understand how to perform all grooming activities. With a few helpful tips, any owner should be able to handle the tasks easily on their own. Those that still struggle, or who do not have the time to complete these tasks, should instead take their pet to a professional such as the Canine Country Club And Cattery Inc. They will handle all of the grooming services required and ensure the pet is well taken care of.

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