Building A Defense Case With A DUI Lawyer In Hutchinson, KS

by | Feb 6, 2015 | Attorney

Kansas, like most states, identifies a DUI as any blood content reading that is 0.08 or greater. The state also utilizes the implied consent ruling, which requires any driver who is suspected of driving under the influence to submit to testing. Any driver who doesn’t submit to testing receives an immediate license suspension.

Zero Tolerance Laws

The state of Kansas follows a zero tolerance for driving under the influence. These strict laws impose hefty penalties upon anyone who is convicted of this offense. This includes a first offense. Anyone who is convicted receives no less than one year’s suspension of their driver’s license and fines with a maximum of $2,500. If the driver was operating a commercial truck at the time of their arrest, they lose their CDL completely.

Alcohol Treatment Program

After a conviction, the driver is required to enter into an alcohol treatment program. This is mandatory and requires the convicted individual to pay all associated costs for this program. They must also complete driving school, which identifies possible results of these occurrences. If you were arrested on these charges, you should contact a DUI Lawyer in Hutchinson KS immediately.

Involuntary Manslaughter With DUI

The laws that apply to this charge have changed. Anyone who is convicted of involuntary manslaughter in which they were intoxicated will receive no less than thirty-eight months in prison. However, if this individual had any previous DUI conviction, this automatically qualifies the crime as a felony. If a child under the age of fourteen was present in the vehicle, the judge can increase this sentence. The maximum is fourteen years in prison.

To fight a DUI charge, you must prove that you were not over the legal limit. At any time, a blood sample is acquired for testing. The county is required to keep a portion to allow for further testing by the defense. Additionally, all breathalyzer equipment must be inspected each year to determine that it functions properly. To fight a conviction, you’ll need to hire a DUI Lawyer in Hutchinson KS. You should Contact Oswalt Henry Oswald and Roberts today to start this process.

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