Joint Brazing: 5 Basic Steps to Follow

by | Dec 12, 2016 | Business

Joint brazing is one way to piece together dissimilar materials and fill in the gaps between metals. Whether it’s for the development and production of prototype designs, specific products and tools, the process is useful in providing you with favorable results.

Want to know more about the process? Read on:

Start with a good fit

The News says you’ll need to ensure there’s great clearance between the two metal parts involved in the process before you start. If you’re off the mark by even a tiny bit, it could lead to a ton of problems. You might not even have enough space for the filler metal to flow through the joint. Prevent that from happening by ensuring the right fit from the get-go.

Clean the metals

Don’t start unless you’ve properly prepared the metals. Oils, dirt and grime could stick to your filler materials and compromise the results. That could lead to a weak or substandard joint, which will only create problems in the future. To make sure that doesn’t happen, clean all the materials you’ll need before you start.

Flux the parts

Flux is refers to a chemical compound that’s usually applied to the surface of the metals before the brazing process. Fluxing helps ensure the surface of your joints are protected from the oxides that result from the heating process. Without it, you could end up with damaged metals.

Assemble everything

Don’t just start heating and brazing the metals. Have everything aligned properly so the work can go that much faster. This way, you won’t have to be confused about which part goes where. All you’ll have to do is to follow the alignment and start brazing.

Braze everything

Once all that’s done, time to start the actual joint brazing process. Don’t forget to clean the resulting joint when you’re done.

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