Getting The Right Pup Joints For Texas Drilling Rigs

by | May 13, 2019 | Online Business

It would be an easier job if all tubing, drill pipe, casing strings, and line pipe always required only standard lengths of pipe. Unfortunately, this is rarely true, and the use of pup joints in Texas drilling operations is very common.

These joints are non-standard in length, in that they are much shorter than the standard thirty-one feet used for pipe and tubular products used in drilling operations. The pup joints are added to the length of pipe, casing or tubing in the well bore to allow for adjusted bringing the total length of the string to the required height.


Different manufacturers make pup joints in different lengths. The most common for non-perforate or seamless options include two, three, four, six, eight, ten and twelve feet. These lengths of pipe can also have a specific type of thread as needed to mate with the casing, tubing or drill pipe in use. Various diameters are available to match with standard outside diameter measurements of the specific type of piping in the application.

Perforated pup joints are standard in two, three, four and six-foot lengths, with the ability to order custom lengths in both options. Keep in mind; custom orders have a lead time requirement, so checking in with the stocking manufacturers’ representative before confirming order delivery to the customer is always important.

The grade of metal also varies based on the type of application. As these joints are exposed to the same stress and pressure as the rest of the pipe, tubing, or casing, it is essential to consider compatibility to stand up to working conditions.

Working with a local stocking manufacturers’ representative in Texas provides a seller with a reliable source of the specific volume and types of this type of product required.

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