Is Oral Surgery in Murfreesboro TN Right for You?

by | Apr 8, 2019 | Dentist

Oral health disarray is a common problem among people over 65. It is estimated that one in five people is completely toothless. For these cases, dental implants have made dramatic advances, and it is possible to replace dentures with fixed teeth in just one day. One of the latest technological advances in this field is minimally invasive guided implantology. This technique allows a person seeking oral surgery in Murfreesboro TN to have implants placed very accurately without surgery with the help of 3-D technology. Your local oral surgeon can help you on many other levels as well. Continue reading to see how dentists improve thousands of smile every day through surgical procedures.

Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery is used when operating on the bones of the face, achieving a certain improvement in the appearance and smile. Usually, these interventions are performed when there are problems involved (for example, a poorly placed tooth). But apart from getting a perfect smile, the benefits you receive are very important because you regain harmony between the different areas of the face. For optimal results, your dentist will perform tests and studies before surgery, mainly through x-rays and 3D images. These are obtained with modern low radiation scanners.

Benefits of New Technologies

This type of technology has reduced the duration of operations, simplified procedures and shortened the overall hospital stay of many patients, making such operations increasingly common interventions. Oral surgery in Murfreesboro TN has become viable in the past couple of decades, especially with technology improving by the year. However, choosing a great oral surgeon to perform the procedure is a very important aspect of the process as well. You never want to put your oral health in the hands of an inexperienced person, so it is vital that you do enough homework to ensure the one dentist you choose is the right one.

How Orthognathic Surgery is Performed

A standard operation is performed under general anesthesia, and lasts two to four hours. It requires a hospital stay of about 24-48 hours. The greatest benefit for the patient is that there is very little postoperative pain and inflammation and it disappears within a week to 10 days. There are no visible scars in the mouth and the patient should be able to eat a soft diet after a couple of weeks. For more information on this and other dental issues, contact website today.

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