Most Common Questions Asked About Breast Implants in Chicago

by | Feb 7, 2017 | Cosmetic Surgery

Are you considering having breast implants in Chicago? Well, you are not alone. It is estimated that over 300,000 breast augmentation surgeries are done a year in the United States alone. The biggest thing you need to do is make sure that you select the most reputable and most experienced breast augmentation surgeon in Chicago. There are quite a few questions that most women ask before having breast implant surgery. Read on below for a few of them to help you get started.

Are You a Good Fit for Breast Implants?

Women get breast implants in Chicago because they want fuller breasts. As long as you are having the surgery because you want too and not to please someone else, you are probably a good fit. It is a good idea to contact the doctors at Chicagoland Aesthetics to ensure that it is the right surgery for you.

Are Breast Implants Safe?

As long as you choose a safe and reputable center to do the surgery for you and follow all the doctor’s instructions, breast implants are completely safe. They are also approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration as well.

How Long do Breast Implants Last?

While it is recommended that your implants be changed out every ten years, they do last up to 25 years. However, breasts do change with age, so it’s not uncommon for a woman to want to change to a better fit.

How Much do Breast Implants Cost?

As with anything, the cost is going to depend on who you see and what type of implant you want. It is also determined by if you are having any other surgery at the same time.

These are just a few of the most common questions about breast implants you might want to be answered. For more information, contact Chicagoland Aesthetics today.

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