Don’t Put Yourself In Danger Doing Your Own Gutter Repair In Bothell Wa

by | Apr 15, 2019 | Gutters

Much like fixing a roof, Gutter Repair in Bothell Wa is one of the more dangerous of all home repairs. That’s because it usually involves climbing a ladder in order to access the gutters. Falling from a ladder can result in serious injury or death.

Getting Help

Understand that not all Gutter Repair in Bothell Wa involves the use of a ladder. A damaged downspout might be able to be replaced without using a ladder. If an extension is being added to a downspout, a homeowner doesn’t need to call a gutter expert for help. When a ladder is involved, a second person should be present to make sure that the ladder stays steady.

What’s Wrong?

Before a homeowner picks up a phone to call a gutter contractor, they should do some basic troubleshooting in order to see if the problem is an easy fix. A gutter that isn’t working correctly might be clogged close to ground level. If there is some debris in the gutter, a specialized gutter cleaner can be used without climbing a ladder.

Spring Into Action

Once the winter is over and spring has arrived, gutters need to be cleaned. Cleaning gutters is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. A contractor won’t charge much to clean a home’s gutters and will do a thorough job. If there are a lot of trees near a home, gutter cleaning might have to be done more frequently.

Creatures Looking For Homes

Whether gutters are clean or dirty, pests can be attracted to them while looking for places to live. Birds can nest in gutters and impede the flow of water. Squirrels are also know for making their homes in gutters. If an animal is found to be nesting in the gutters, a homeowner should call a contractor to have the nest cleared out. Precautions should be taken or the animal might come back.

Why should a homeowner risk their own health and well-being by climbing a ladder to do their own gutter cleaning or repairs? Saving up a little money for spring cleaning help is one of the best things a homeowner can do to make sure their gutters get cleaned and inspected for any issues.

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