Overcoming Dental Anxiety

by | Jan 13, 2016 | Dentist

Dental phobia, dental anxiety, fear of dentists; it all amounts to the same thing and it usually stems from a dental experience at one time or another that was uncomfortable or painful. To many dental patients it matters little whether they are getting their teeth cleaned or they are scheduled for a serious procedure such as a root canal, they become extremely anxious before and during the procedure. In an effort to overcome this problem a dentist in Chicago Illinois can subject the patient to minimal sedation. Sedation is a safe and effective way to eliminate the fear and anxiety associated with a visit to the dentist.

In many cases a patient can overcome dental anxiety when they find a dentist that they are comfortable with, having friends and family members can help you find a good dentist but the selection really depends on you. What you really need is a dentist that understands the fears that many people have, they need to exercise extreme patience and be truly caring.

If you are anxious about dental work try to arrange it that the first couple of appointments with your new dentist do not involve any procedures. Use the first visit to the clinic as an opportunity to meet the dentist, speak to him or her about your fears and let the dentist explain how he can help. Once you leave the office after this initial visit you should have a good understanding of what needs to be done and it will be done, all your questions should have been answered to your satisfaction.

The second appointment should include an examination. The dentist will have a good look at the condition of your teeth; he or she will suggest what has to be done which usually includes teeth cleaning. By understanding what to expect and what will happen next many patients feel less nervous and are ready to proceed with the required treatments.

Even the most caring dentist in Chicago Illinois may not be able to calm a patient as much as he would like, in cases like this the dentist can turn to mild sedation, often called “sleep dentistry.” The dentist will administer oral sedatives, the most popular being nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas. The gas calms a person, they feel sleepy and reach a point where they really don’t care about what is happening around them, at the same time however, the patient will understand and react to directives given by the dentist. Within a matter of minutes from the conclusion of the treatment, there is no effect.

Dr. Peter Tomaselli is a dentist in Chicago Illinois that has had close to 25 years dealing with patients who often express dental anxiety. Dr. Tomaselli at Chicago Smile Design will take time to explain the process until such time as you are completely comfortable and ready for treatment.

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