How to Know When Liposuction the Right Procedure

by | Sep 13, 2017 | Plastic Surgeon

Liposuction is a procedure that is commonly undergone by patients to remove fatty tissue from targeted areas of the body. Men and women can both fix the appearance of their bodies without being scarred, by opting for liposuction.

Very Common

Liposuction is an easy way to get rid of stubborn fat that can’t be eliminated through exercise alone. When undergoing liposuction, only the top layers of fat get removed and not the deep layers. This is a factor which reduces swelling. The procedure is available for both men and women. Women normally use liposuction in Elgin slightly more often, since they have a tendency to hold fat on areas that make it hard to eliminate. Liposuction is a great tool to target these hard to tame areas.

Targeted Removal

It’s important to remember that liposuction is not a tummy tuck. Liposuction gets rid of the top layers of fat, and a tummy tuck takes care of the upper and lower layers of fat, while removing skin that is often stretched out as a result of being overweight or pregnant. There are many types of liposuction procedures that are available. They all have one common goal though, removing the extra fat from visible areas of people’s bodies. This is the desired outcome most patients are looking for.

Talk to Doctors

Liposuction does have a few side effects. Some of the more common side effects will include swelling of the tissues, slight bleeding, minor bruising, and sometimes even infections or tiny changes in the functions of nerves. To ensure that the problems are minimal, patients have to select only the most trained and experienced plastic surgeons to perform the procedure. Sometimes the risks that come along with liposuction are higher if patients try to undergo a liposuction to remove very large amounts of fatty tissue. Talking to you doctor can help find the right procedure for you.

Are you interested in finding out more about liposuction in Elgin? Contact Ashpole Plastic Surgery for more details.

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